Image A Non-Profit, Impartial Guide to Suicide Information

Lost All Hope - Your Comprehensive Suicide Resource

Lost All Hope is a dedicated resource providing comprehensive information about suicide, including methods, statistics, and support links.

Image Welcome to Lost All Hope

One of the most comprehensive suicide resources on the web.

You may be reading this looking for information on methods to commit suicide. They are here. Maybe you’d like to know statistical information about suicide – you’re in the right place. Perhaps you are feeling really low; part of you wants to end it, and part of you just wants to be happy. You’ll find information and links that might help you.

When I searched on the web in 2002 to try and find ways to kill myself, I was overwhelmed by the amount of information I found; frustrated by how hard it was to find the information I really wanted; fed up of websites that tried to save me.

Lost All Hope has no angle. The site is non-profit. It has no religious affiliation. It has no political stand point on the whys and wherefores, pros and cons, of suicide or euthanasia. It offers no advice, and has no bulletin boards, chat or forums (although does link to some). It is here as an impartial resource, to help inform you, and make whatever choice is right for you. I hope you find it of use.

Before browsing the site, please read the Terms of use. Your use of this site is subject to those terms irrespective of whether you read them or not.

Image My story

About us

So you might ask what qualifies me to create a site about suicide? Well, perhaps like you, I had a number of times in my life where I spent hours, and days, trawling through the web for information on how to best kill myself. On the outside, people would describe me as a pretty normal type of guy. Loving family, good job, success at my pastimes, including national championships at softball and dancing.

Good friends, nice flat, classy car, financially secure, tall and in great physical shape. On the face of it, probably the last person you'd think would want to kill themselves. But as you'll probably know, what people see on the outside, and what goes on inside, are often very different.....

Image Your Stories

So many people feel exactly as you do now

I am always surprised at the amount of people who write in to the site who say it helped them. Surprised and glad. I am often moved by the many people who said that my story touched or inspired them. It is an honour, although I never really feel like I have done anything to deserve that honour.


I don't think that I'll ever be able to thank you enough. Nothing has ever touched me as much as your story. I'm a 14 year old boy who has been depressed ever since I hit the major stages of puberty. I'm tall, muscular, good-looking, intelligent, popular in school, and of middle-class, but for some reason, I always used to constantly be depressed. So, just a few hours ago, I searched up on Google "best way to commit suicide", and your website was the top result. I read every single letter of every single page. After I finished reading, I cried for the first time in over 4 years. It wasn't a cry of sadness or anger or anything like that. For the first time in over four years, I was truly happy. You helped me discover that suicide isn't anywhere near a consideration for a solution to my problems. From now on, I'm just going to live my life happily the way that I want to live it. Please excuse my language, but fuck what anyone else thinks. I am who I am, and I'm proud of it. Thank you.


I was again at the bottom of that dark hole. I knew from previous experience (over decades) that these periods pass and I do feel better eventually. However, I was so sad, tired and angry after a barrage of criticisms from my family that I wasn't so sure this time that I wanted it to pass. Life held no prospect of future happiness for me. My husband wasn't around to talk to (talking really does help provided he doesn't try to belittle or solve my problems) so I decided he'd stopped caring too. I wanted a pain free suicide. The last thing I expected to stumble upon was a factual website explaining what would and would not be suitable while at the same time reflecting just how I felt to be researching suicide. The site was just so supportive. I'm going to bookmark it. Thank you so much for having the idea and making the effort. Another life has just been saved and made better by your generosity of spirit and funds. You've lifted my spirit enough to face more life.


I'm 17 years old, and have suffered from serious depressive symptoms for about 2 years now. I uh, I found this site when I was at my lowest. It helped. Knowing the facts really helped me snap myself out of my rut. There's something about the impartialness of this website that really cuts through the haze. So I'm glad that I bookmarked this page. I think it's sort of ironic the one place which gives me hope is a website titled lostallhope. Anyway, sorry I'm rambling. Thank you. Thank you so much. This is exactly the reminder I need to keep myself alive. I hope you are well. If I could, I would buy you a donut or something. I don't know, I just feel like saying thank you isn't enough to really show how I feel. But I guess it'll have to be enough for now. Thank you.


Earlier tonight I was looking up methods to painlessly kill myself when I found your site. For years (off and on), I planned several methods for killing myself, not realizing that suicide is NOT painless; that it is even dangerous if I were to fail. The three methods I had already tried were hanging, pills, and drowning. Obviously, I am still here. Thank you for making this site, because it helped me to see that were I to try again, I wouldn't be just hurting myself, but my daughter would lose her mother. I called a hotline you put on your "Help Me" page, and now I feel just enough to keep myself alive just a little while longer. I don't think I'll ever beat my suicidal thoughts completely, but at least I know of a place I can go any time I have those thoughts again. Thank you.


When I googled ways to commit suicide, your website was the first hit. And it helped me see that I can get through this. I read the help me section at least twice and then I went and talked to a friend. I am beginning to realize that I can't give up now... I have my whole life ahead of me. And then I think of my town. At least three people I know have committed suicide in the last year. My ex boyfriend tried to after we broke up and I decided that I couldn't do it because of how the people around me would react. I would not have come to this conclusion without this website. For that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for saving my life. And thank you for providing the light I needed at the end of the tunnel. Keep shining.


I just want to thank you for everything you've done for me, even though you don't know it. One night awhile back when I was writing my suicide letter, having a suicide plan in place, I stumbled upon your site. I favorited the website and almost 4 months later, I visit it everyday to reread every word you've written to show myself I'm not alone. I'm not quite over my depression and I haven't gotten my stuff together at all, but all that you've written has kept me alive and running for at least these past few months. Your story inspired me to keep moving and taught me that some day, it will get better. Thank you for sharing your story online, and please keep it up.

Image Helpline


Please note that chat rooms are not intended for people in immediate danger of harming themselves. These people should contact a friend, family member, counsellor, helpline (see Links), doctor or local hospital for immediate help.

A 24-hour helpline for anyone in distress, feeling depressed, overwhelmed, experiencing a crisis or feeling suicidal and needs someone to talk to, someone who will listen and take them seriously. (212) 673-3000

A 24 hour helpline offering confidential non-judgemental emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. 08457 90 90 90 (or Republic of Ireland 1850 60 90 90)

Offers access to a range of national and local services that support mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention, including a 24 hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14

Emotional support by phone or email for people when they are suicidal. With 31,000 volunteers in almost 40 countries, the centers aim to alleviate misery, loneliness, despair and depression by listening to anyone who feels they have nowhere else to turn.

A 24/7 confidential and anonymous telephone counselling service operating every day of the year. Telephone counsellors are fully trained and supervised. 0800 543 354

Provides statistics on suicide, information for those considering suicide, links to support groups, state based crisis centres and other useful resources.

Resources (including a helpline) and support for those dealing with suicide, depression or emotional distress - particularly teenagers and young adults.

Provides support and information to men affected by depression and stress.

Offers many ways in which like-minded people can communicate with each other and offer peer support to one another. Also contains articles on depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and many other health issues.

Works to relieve and prevent depression by providing information and support services (including links to support groups). A website full of information, advice and resources.

Aims to improve the lives of those with mood disorders. Has links to support groups across the USA.

An excellent website that aims to break down barriers that keep people with problems from getting the help they need. It has valuable information for those feeling suicidal or depressed, and links to resources and websites that may be of help.

Nationwide support services for sufferers of mental health problems as well as comprehensive information on different types of mental health problems.

Provides emotional support and information to people experiencing mental illness, their family and carers.

Image founder's blog

Latest From Blog

People have written in asking if I am still alive, or wanting to know if life is still a struggle. So I started posting an annual update to My story, but then had to remove the previous ones. So I have created a blog page, so people can read a little more about my journey, and I hope I will be able to post to it more than once a year.

adminSeptember 2, 2024 No Comments

Sept ‘24 – I’m back!

I am so sorry to followers of the site. It took me years…

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adminSeptember 2, 2024 No Comments

Nov ‘20 – Why it’s been quiet

So that last post never got posted. And who knows when this one…

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adminSeptember 2, 2024 No Comments

Oct ’19 – The “have tos”

It’s been more than a year since my last post. Someone kindly wrote…

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adminSeptember 2, 2024 No Comments

Aug 18 – when I get x, I’ll be happy

I was speaking to an old friend of mine on the phone last…

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