Landmark Education state they are a global leader in the field of training and development. They offer a variety of courses, the foundation of which is The Landmark Forum, a 3 day non-residential course which is designed to bring about a fundamental shift or transformation in what is possible in people’s lives.

Participants in The Landmark Forum and Landmark Education’s other courses, seminars, and programs, see new possibilities for effective action in everyday matters. People are able to achieve higher standards of excellence and to think and act beyond existing views and limits – in their personal lives, relationships and wider communities of interest.

Landmark Education’s courses, seminars and programs are offered in more than 120 cities around the world. Graduates of The Landmark Forum often participate in Landmark Education’s graduate courses, seminars, and programs, which present a wide range of topics and benefits, relevant to living everyday life powerfully, including: relationships, creativity, integrity, money, fitness, and many more. The number of people who participate in Landmark courses annually makes Landmark Education one of the largest, most relevant and diverse “campuses” in the world.

According to Landmark, more than 90% of participants report that they received, “practical and enduring value.” Fun, exciting and collaborative, The Landmark Forum is not a lecture, motivational technique, or therapy – it’s a powerful, accelerated learning experience. A guided dialogue between the instructor and participants, The Landmark Forum is conducted in a casual environment with 75-250 people.

A search on the web will find you positive and negative feedback on this organisation. It is not recommended for people suffering from serious mental illness. Whist many people do receive benefit from their courses, some find it uncovers issues that require further support post-course, and to that extent psychotherapy can be helpful. The effects of the course can also be short lived, although life changes can be made during that short time that have a longer lasting impact.

On the positive side, doing The Landmark Forum can be very confronting, and be successful at clearing blocks people have in their lives that might have been there for a considerable time, and where other methods have failed. Due to the way the courses operate, it can be a great place to make new friends, as there is plenty of interaction with other course participants. It is also a relatively cheap course to do, so may be an option where more expensive courses or therapies aren’t.

Landmark do run information evenings in the major cities in which they offer the Forum, so people can go along, hear about the course, and speak to recent participants (who are generally very enthusiastic).

Landmark Education runs courses in the UK, US, Australia and 17 other countries. More information at, with the syllabus of the Forum here.