According to their website, the Journey is cutting-edge transformation and healing work pioneered by internationally acclaimed, best-selling author, speaker and mind-body-healing expert Brandon Bays. They claim it is recognised worldwide as a uniquely potent tool for awakening and liberating the infinite human potential. The work has helped thousands of people worldwide free themselves from issues like fear, anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, chronic anger and rage, physical illnesses and disease, and those relating to addictions and unhealthy behaviours, sexual abuse, relationship problems and career performance.

The Journey has number of programs available, but generally starts with the two day Journey intensive workshop, where participants:

  • Experience a journey directly into their soul – into the vast, boundless presence of love at the core of their being.
  • Uncover old cell memories and limiting patterns, and resolve and clear them completely, letting the body and being begin their healing process.
  • Clear out long-standing emotional blocks that have held them back for years.
  • Learn practical, accessible tools to experience joy and freedom in their everyday lives.
  • Find true clarity – open into the profound wisdom inside and liberate their own infinite potential.

They claim the beauty of The Journey is that it’s simple, effective and lasting. By doing Journeywork more of life is available; more energy, more health and more vitality. The aim is for participants to find that their potential is freed up and more joy arises spontaneously. That they’ll be more in touch with themselves and able to live life truly authentically. Journeywork aims to leave participants feeling happy, alive and at peace with themselves and their loved ones.

This course is available throughout Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Africa and Israel. For country specific information, go to