Tony Robbins is possibly the world’s best known personal development guru. His goal is to help individuals transform the quality of their lives, and has had hundreds of thousands of people do his seminars, buy his books and listen to his CDs.

He has advised and counselled Fortune 500 CEOs, world-renowned medical doctors, legends in entertainment, and championship sports people and teams including NBA Champions San Antonio Spurs, tennis greats André Agassi and Serena Williams and golf legend Greg Norman.

What’s the definition of an extraordinary life? There are as many answers as there are people. For some it may be to make $5 million. For some it may be to make $5 million and give it away to charity. For others, it may be to be a loving husband or a great mother.

Whatever someone’s definition, they deserve to be fulfilled in whatever direction they take their life. The challenge is that in today’s complex world, it’s so easy to get caught in the process of achieving so much, that it’s sometimes easy to lose focus of what’s really wanted.

Tony Robbins believes that to attain an extraordinary life – one filled with unbridled joy, ultimate success and lasting fulfilment – it’s imperative people make progress in the areas of their life that are most important to them. Anthony Robbins has uncovered and refined a unique system for anyone who wants to take their life to the next level, and it has three principal areas: 1) get focus and clarity, 2) get the best tools for results, and 3) unlock what’s stopping you.

Tony Robbins runs a course called Unleash the Power Within (UPW), although it sometimes only runs once or twice a year. He does run other courses that are considerably more expensive. He does have some books, and CD sets (some of which can be purchased second hand on auction sites). The CDs especially are very easy to listen to and can be very motivating.

All his stuff has an excellent reputation. He uses a lot of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and coaching techniques, and delivers it very powerfully. Many people have said attending one of his seminars was a turning point in their lives.

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