The information below is again based on information from the American Association of Suicidology1, and lists various mental and physical disorders that would give a person an increased likelihood of committing suicide. It should be noted that these type of risk factors are all treatable/capable of being modified.

  • Psychiatric disorders, especially:
    • Mood disorder (particularly depression)
    • Anxiety disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Substance use disorder (alcohol abuse or drug abuse/dependence)
    • Eating disorders
    • Body dysmorphic disorder (an anxiety disorder where someone is excessively concerned about and preoccupied by a perceived defect in their physical features)
    • Conduct disorder (a pattern of repetitive behaviour where the rights of others or social norms are violated – symptoms include verbal and physical aggression, cruel behaviour toward people and pets, destructive behaviour, lying, truancy, vandalism, and stealing)
  • More than one psychiatric disorder at the same time (depression and alcohol misuse being particularly dangerous)
  • A psychiatric disorder and an Axis II personality disorder (especially if the Axis II disorder is antisocial or borderline personality disorders) or an Axis III medical disorder
  • Axis II personality disorder, especially category B (Category A: paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal; Category B: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic; Category C: avoidant, dependant, obsessive-compulsive). See Axis II personality disorders for more information.
  • Axis III medical disorders (brain injuries and other medical/physical disorders which may aggravate existing diseases or present symptoms similar to other disorders, especially if it involves functional impairment and/or chronic pain)
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Low self-esteem/high self-hate
  • Tolerant/accepting attitude toward suicide
  • Lack of acceptance by someone or their family of their sexual orientation
  • Smoking
  • Perfectionism (especially in context of depression)


  1. American Association of Suicidology, Factsheet: The Risk Factors for Suicide and suicidal Behaviors, from