Samaritans NYC (USA)

A 24-hour helpline for anyone in distress, feeling depressed, overwhelmed, experiencing a crisis or feeling suicidal and needs someone to talk to, someone who will listen and take them seriously. (212) 673-3000

The Samaritans (UK)

A 24 hour helpline offering confidential non-judgemental emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. 08457 90 90 90 (or Republic of Ireland 1850 60 90 90)

Lifeline (Australia)

Offers access to a range of national and local services that support mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention, including a 24 hour telephone counselling service. 13 11 14

Befrienders Worldwide

Emotional support by phone or email for people when they are suicidal. With 31,000 volunteers in almost 40 countries, the centers aim to alleviate misery, loneliness, despair and depression by listening to anyone who feels they have nowhere else to turn.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA)

A 24-hour hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. Note that unlike other helplines on this page, the NAC will take all actions necessary to prevent a caller from dying by suicide, including calling family or emergency services if an attempt is in progress. 1-800-273-8255

Lifeline (New Zealand)

A 24/7 confidential and anonymous telephone counselling service operating every day of the year. Telephone counsellors are fully trained and supervised. 0800 543 354

American Association of Suicidology

Provides statistics on suicide, information for those considering suicide, links to support groups, state based crisis centres and other useful resources.

Papyrus (UK)

Resources (including a helpline) and support for those dealing with suicide, depression or emotional distress – particularly teenagers and young adults.

CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably

Provides support and information to men affected by depression and stress.

Depression Understood

Offers many ways in which like-minded people can communicate with each other and offer peer support to one another. Also contains articles on depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and many other health issues.

Depression Alliance (UK)

Works to relieve and prevent depression by providing information and support services (including links to support groups). A website full of information, advice and resources.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (USA)

Aims to improve the lives of those with mood disorders. Has links to support groups across the USA.


An excellent website that aims to break down barriers that keep people with problems from getting the help they need. It has valuable information for those feeling suicidal or depressed, and links to resources and websites that may be of help.


Nationwide support services for sufferers of mental health problems as well as comprehensive information on different types of mental health problems.


Provides emotional support and information to people experiencing mental illness, their family and carers.

Rethink (UK)

Offers expert advice and information to people with severe mental illness and other mental health problems and those that care for them, plus UK-wide support groups and other services.

Maytree (London, UK)

A sanctuary for the suicidal. Accommodation in a non-medical setting offering time, space and respite for those in a suicidal crisis and in danger of taking their own lives.

The US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

A mine of information available from their publications page, with particularly comprehensive information about depression.

Mental Health America

Useful links to a number of resources to assist finding therapists and support groups.


The US Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. It provides information about mental health via a toll-free telephone number (800-789-2647), their website, and more than 600 publications.

The National Mental Health Information Center was developed for users of mental health services and their families, the general public, policy makers, providers, and the media.

Information Center staff members are skilled at listening and responding to questions from the public and professionals. The staff quickly direct callers to Federal, State, and local organizations dedicated to treating and preventing mental illness.


Locator for mental health services: or 1-800-662-4357

Drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs locator: or 1-800-662-4357


A webpage with information for people coming into contact with someone who is suicidal.

Compassion & Choices

An organisation that uses the power of choice and comfort to restore hope to individuals and their loved ones at the end of life. Professional staff and trained volunteers help thousands of clients each year by listening without judgment to their fears and guiding their search for a peaceful, humane death. Clients are offered help with advance directives, local service referrals, and pain and symptom management. Information on self-determined dying is provided when appropriate as is emotional support.

Exit International

An end of life choices information & advocacy non-profit organisation. Information on assisted suicide, links to the Peaceful Pill Handbook to carry out an assisted suicide, and information about regular meetings and workshops in Australia, Canada, the US, UK and NZ which provide advice to the terminally ill on the best ways of achieving suicide.


Euthanasia clinic in Switzerland.

Final Exit

Information site on euthanasia and book on how to do carry it out.

The Peaceful Pill Handbook

Book on how to carry out a voluntary euthanasia.

Site of Melody Clark offering information, and help for the severely depressed & suicidal, also has links to numerous other resources.